Heya folks… we’ve got a guest blogger today… and um… whoa did she pick a weird topic… ;o)
Guest blogging… Inez Kelley
I ate a lizard
I did.
We went to my husband’s company dinner at this quaint little place along the river. We dined outside, sipping drinks and relaxing. Social niceties and adult conversation really made the night enjoyable. It has been far too long since we got away without the kids. Plus, it’s always nice when someone else pays the tab, isn’t it?
I ordered the blackened salmon, my husband chose the sausage jambalaya and we kicked back to just ‘be’. Then the company owner sent over a humongous appetizer platter (we hadn’t ordered one) and a nice bottle of wine. Now, I’ve been cooking for decades and have worked every food-related job known to man including being a short-order cook. I recognized the crawfish, the shrimp, the catfish, the chicken tenders, the onion rings and the deep fried cauliflower. But I couldn’t figure out what one item was. It was good. I liked it, enjoyed the spicy seasonings combined with the rather mild tasting meat.
I asked the server what it was.
I ate a lizard. And I liked it.
Maybe I am predisposed to experiment with strange foods. I grew up eating venison. I’ve tried everything from deep fried pickles to rattlesnake to groundhog. (I do recommend the pickles. Snake is mediocre and the groundhog disgusting). I don’t care for emu but do like buffalo. Shark is delicious. Octopus is… well, it won’t kill me. So while alligator made me stop chewing a second, I already knew I liked it.
Experimenting is always fun. If I didn’t try new things, I would be stuck eating nothing but the same boring things day in and day out. Tastes change, as I always tell my children. As a teenager, I always ordered the same thing at every restaurant – steak medium well, baked potato, salad. I was afraid if I didn’t like something, well, money wasted and I’d be hungry later.
That stopped when I started paying for my own dinners. Know what? If I don’t like an entrée I ordered, I will sigh and move on, maybe ordering another appetizer to fill me up. Money not lost but put toward an experiment. I’ve had very few things I didn’t like (I know to avoid liver and anything with calamari).
As I sat down to write this blog, I could still smell the Cajun spices. It made me think about all the different genres I like to read. If I only read one kind of story, say romantic comedies, think of all the wonderful stories I’d miss out on just because I was afraid to try something new. Afraid of what? Spending 5-10 bucks on a book I didn’t know if I would like? That is stupid.
I have my favorites (steamy contemporaries and epic medievals) just like I know I can always fall back on that filet mignon and baked potato. That is my go-to comfort zone. But I love a spicy pasta with marina and a good mystery, a rich seafood bisque and a romantic fantasy, a savory BBQ dish and a thoughtful inspy.
Yes, I like different foods and yes, I like different stories. I can cry with a woman in 12 A.D., laugh with a man in 2341 A.D. and hurt for the couple parted by WWII. Vampires, shifters, witches and everyday people who have a water bill, I love a good story no matter the genre. Auto-buy name or new author, if it takes me away and lets me live a story, it is a win.
And if I find a bit of calamari, a story that just doesn’t appeal, so what? I tried it and moved on, a little richer for having tasted a new flavor. There are some surprising gems out there.
What is Your favorite romance genre and what strange food have You tried?
Inez Kelley is the author of several books including The Dirty Laundry series. Book #2 TALK DIRTY TO ME, a new erotic romance release from Carina Press is a co-write with Ginny Glass.
I’m gonna have to go with Paranormal Romance, although I do sometimes branch out and try new genres as well. An author I completely adore started writing in the Urban Fantasy genre and if it hadn’t been for that I might have missed out on all the amazing books in that category!
As for foods…while I’m open to trying different things (escargot is by far my most adventurous) I have a tendency of sticking with what I know, although I do like to try as many different preparation methods of my regular foods as I can!
I agree with Amy, Paranormal Romance. However, I recently read a historical romance with no sex in it and liked it very much. Can Steampunk be far behind? My favorite food is roasted zucchini flowers; thank God the crop is beginning to bloom in our garden-yum!
I love alligator. Pretty much anything from the water that won’t kill me, I like. I’ve never had shark though, so Idunno.
I’m a huge sushi fan so I don’t even mind raw stuff, lol.
The only food I will not eat is mushrooms. They grow on dead things people. Rotting, dead things and/or feces. It’s gross.
As far as romance genre, I like Urban fantasy or what I would describe as Dark Fantasy. Steampunk is fast becoming a favorite.
Hm…most exotic I guess was I think cow’s belly in some soup. it was good. I was younger, so not sure I would have tried had I known ahead of time.
Favorite stories, historicals or books with a historical feel. Huge disney princess buff. I love the romance the setting provides. The dashing and wealthy hero. The fetching heroine. *sigh*
Ahh, I avoid snails as well. And I love zucchini! I like to bake it with some parm cheese, yummo! I can eat sushi but it is not a favorite.
Keri.. cow belly? ew. I’m not that adventurous!
I love fantasy and paranormal(write them as well) as well as contemporary and romantic comedies.
Paranormal romance, followed by romantic suspense.
I have eaten and enjoyed sweetbreads—which are cow tonsils.
Estelle! You taught me something. I did not know that.
I’m getting lots of paranormal romances along with romantic suspense, lots of shifters.
I was given rabbit once and felt bad at eating it, friends of mine had decided to go with growing your own healthy food, garden with vegetables and spices and rabbits. I never had any again.
I love urban fantasy/sci-fi romance, but I also read lots of historical and suspesne…I can’t choose just one, just depends on my mood. The one thing I usually stay away from in romance is shifters…just doesn’t do much for me. Though there are exceptions!LOL
The strangest odd food that I liked was calamari…