Dear Shiloh

Dear Shiloh

Do you know who I am?
Do you know what my favorite color is?
My favorite food?
Do you know what kind of car I drive and what car I wouldn’t be caught dead in?
Do you know how old I am…what my parents did for a living?
Are my parents still alive?
Did I hate them or love them?
Do I have unresolved anger issues?
What about addictions? Have I ever been addicted to anything?
Ever been a victim?
What do I love?
What do I hate?
Who do I love/hate and why?
Where did I grow up…and when?
What do I do for living?
Where do I live?
Do I have a house? A condo? A hole in the ground? A cave?
What’s my favorite thing to do? Least favorite?
What sort of person am I attracted to?
What sort of person do I steer clear of?
Do I avoid emotional entanglements?
What’s my first name?
My last name?
My middle name…and damn it, I better have a middle name.
Do I have some unrequited love?
Do I have a broken heart?
Do I break hearts?
Do I run at the first sign of happiness?
Do I run at the first sign of trouble?
Am I young at heart?
Old beyond my years?
Do I like to read? Like movies? Like to talk on the phone?
What about shopping? Do I love it? Hate it? Avoid it like the plague?

You should know me better than you know your best friend, ya know. I’m one of your characters and how can you expect to tell others about me if you don’t know me?

Your current pain in the butt

Geez, sometimes it’s a wonder these people make it onto paper.  If I could strangle somebody in my imagination…it would be some of my characters.