Have you entered to win a feather From an Angel’s Wing? It’s the contest to celebrate the release of Blind Destiny… Prologue The woman stood alone “Time for Teasing and Taunting…#blinddestiny”
Category: Blog
We have a b-day to celebrate
And we celebrate with… Candles from Morgue files. Avengers pic from IMDB
Saturday Snippets
Okay, this is from my current WIP, a new RS series…coming out sometime in the future (don’t ask when, not sure…not sure at all) from “Saturday Snippets”
Thud… It’s so pretty…(not sure of release date yet, sometime next year. One of my FBI psychics.)
Winner(s) and a new contest
Winner of the galley for STOLEN is the widget… 🙂 a Rafflecopter giveaway The winner needs to email me at shilohwalker (at) gmail.com or you “Winner(s) and a new contest”
Interview with my other self.
I’ve got an interview up today…it’s over at Blood Rose Books. 🙂 J9 inteviewed J.C. Come visit!