The Friday 56…Unholy Ghosts by Stacia Kane

UTA: I’m guest blogging over @ Running with Quills today…talking about tropes, The Missing and there’s a contest…*G*

FYI… if you like urban fantasy?  This book is awesome.  Just finished it, like 30 minutes ago.  Less. Again, it’s awesome.  And the cover is so pretty pretty.

“Roots are so important, don’t you think?”

And it’s from the awesome Stacia Kane’s Unholy Ghosts.

Unholy Ghosts


The world is not the way it was. The dead have risen and constantly attack the living. The powerful Church of Real Truth, in charge since the government fell, has sworn to reimburse citizens being harassed by the deceased. Consequently, there are many false claims of hauntings from those hoping to profit. Enter Chess Putnam, a fully-tattooed witch and freewheeling Debunker and ghost hunter. She’s got a real talent for nailing the human liars or banishing the wicked dead. But she’s keeping a dark secret from the Church: a little drug problem that’s landed her in hot and dangerous water.

Chess owes a murderous drug lord named Bump a lot of money. And Bump wants immediate payback. All Chess has to do is dispatch a very nasty species of undead from an old airport. But the job involves black magic, human sacrifice, a nefarious demonic creature, and crossing swords with enough wicked energy to wipe out a city of souls. Toss in lust with a rival gang leader and a dangerous attraction to Bump’s ruthless enforcer, and Chess begins to wonder if the rush is really worth it. Hell, yeah.

So, about the Friday 56:

  • Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
  • Turn to page 56.
  • Find the fifth sentence.
  • Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of this blog.
  • Post a link along with your post back to this blog.
  • Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

4 Replies to “The Friday 56…Unholy Ghosts by Stacia Kane”

  1. I read Unholy Ghosts two weeks ago. OMG Good!

    The next two were on my wishlist before I finished it, and I will be buying them on release date.

  2. “If I didn’t wear them, she’d be dreadfully hurt.”
    ~~ Lord of Scouldrels by Loretta Chase.

  3. “She was pretty, but her hair needed combing–there were mats in it thick as a dog’s–and she had kept her jacket on the table, as if she were used to leaving places in a hurry.” The Passage by Justin Cronin

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