On writing

Something I’ve heard a lot since I started writing… I’d like to be a writer. or… I’ve always wanted to write a book.

I do have to say, part of me is puzzled by this, probably just because the way it’s phrased. Like the person saying wants to write, but just hasn’t ever tried it.

I’ve always been a writer.  Haven’t always been published, but since I’ve been writing down stories since middle school (at least), I’ve been a writer for more than half of my life.  All it takes to be a writer is just writing.

It really is that simple.

Here’s the thing…there’s no secret to being a writer. There really aren’t any secrets to being a published writer. Getting published takes a combination of talent (which can be defined many ways), determination and sheer luck.

But you can’t be a published writer without one particular thing… WRITING. If you don’t WRITE, you won’t ever be a writer. If you make the effort, whether you ever get published or not, if you put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard and spin a tale, guess what…you’re a writer.

There is no secret to this business. Seriously. There IS a lot of hard work. There is a lot of luck that plays in…getting your book in front of the right editor, at the right time. But if you don’t write that book, it can’t make it in front of any editor.  If you don’t write the book, people can’t read it and love it or hate it or think about it or talk about it or want more.

If you don’t write the book, you can’t be a writer.

If you have a story, if you write the book, if you put it down on paper…that’s what it takes to become a writer.  No mystery to it…just writing.  So instead of thinking… I’ve always wanted to be a writer…just write the story.  Then you are a writer.

Welcome to the club.  😉