Okay, so this is an experiment and it may not last. Only Indie is a dynamic pricing ebookstore…as demand goes up, the price goes up. “Get BEG ME … for pennies…”
Category: Blog
My first foreign covers… giggle, squeal, chuckle…
Pardon me while I go have a giddy moment… ahem, okay. I’m ready to be professional now…um, no, I’m not. Giggling again. Okay. NOW, I’m “My first foreign covers… giggle, squeal, chuckle…”
If you’re going to Lori Foster’s event…here’s a chance to have drinks with me. For a good cause. IF YOU SEE HER, book 2 in “Randomosity”
My Mother’s Day
There’s this song… it’s like…ah…nirvana to me. I don’t know why, but I hear it and I just…wow. That’s it. It’s wow. It’s Walking in “My Mother’s Day”
Shame, Shame, Shame…
Talking about shame, shame, shame… From BOUND TEMPTATIONS/BEG ME “We already talked this through. You needed it. I gave it to you. End of.” Tania “Shame, Shame, Shame…”
Want a copy?
CONTEST IS OVER. Winners to be posted 6/5. No prizes will be mailed before then… (sorry, I’m heading out of town soon…) I’m going to “Want a copy?”