Depression, dealing, reading

The past few weeks have sucked.  It’s been three months since D. died.  I haven’t been expecting it to get easier yet, but it might be nice to not feel sucker-punched by it all still so much of the time.

There’s family crap going on that nobody should have to deal with on top of me and my husband just trying to get out kids through everything.  Plus, Diva’s gone off to college.  That’s a happy thing, yes, but it’s still a change.

I haven’t been able to write as much, and not on my own stuff for a while, so …yeah, no.  That’s not helping.

My depression has been slowly, steadily weighing me down more and more so I’m resorting to the basics of self-care.

A lot of things I’m all like…

Nope, not today depression

I’ve lost interest in needless drama and petty shit.

I’m making myself work out more because endorphins…they say they are going for depression.  FYI, I still think they lie.

We all sat down to a family movie night last week… Harry Potter, of course. Sometimes, some good old good V evil is what you need.

And on Labor Day?  I did nothing but drink and read, read and drink.

reading books

I read Magic Stars by Ilona Andrews, which I loved.  More Derek and Julie, please.

I finished Nothing Short of Dying by Erik Storey. It was pretty good.

And I finished listening to The Knocked Up Plan by Lauren Blakely–I had four hours to go, so that was an investment, but it was worth it.  It was my first LB book, but won’t be my last.  I loved it and it was enough to get some creative juices going so once I get caught up on freelance projects and have the time, maybe I can write some me stuff.

I do have a project I’ll be telling you all about soonest.

That is something I’m excited about.