Well, hello… cool stuff!


Beautiful Scars, one of my erotic romances, is a finalist in the National Readers Choice Awards.

And while I can’t claim any credit for this one, The Reunited is up for the Cover Cafe’s Cover Contest. Per the email I received…


The contest will be online for public voting between May 1 and May 21, 2014
and everyone is welcome to vote for their favorite covers.  Voters need to
vote in at least 3 of the 5 categories and only once in each category. 
Below is the link to the contest introduction page.



As I like winning things, votes would be awesome. If you feel like it.


AND!!! It’s May… that means it’s time for the Brenda Novak annual auction for the cure…this raises funds for diabetes, and it’s awesome.

You can bid on FBI books,   Kit  books, or even name a Kit character