Just the FAQs, ma’am. (and a blog stop)

Today’s blog stop is over at Leontine’s Book Realm. 🙂

a few Qs I’ve gotten about Blade Song and Kit in general.

Will it be out in print?

That’s the plan, hopefully soon, although a date isn’t set.  It’s not quite as easy to finangle things when you’re selfpublishing stuff.  I’ll post info here once I know.

Will there be more books?

hope so.  But, to be honest, a lot of that depends on how Blade Song goes.  The second book, Night Blade, is written, although it’s not through the second part of the phase yet…editing.  Then it gets back to me, then it goes back to her, then it goes to a copyeditor.  Then it gets a cover.  All of this comes with an upfront cost and I need to see how Blade Song goes first. That’s the gamble with self-publishing a book.  You do the upfront investment and if things go well, it’s awesome.  Right now, I’m just hoping it goes well.

Will it be available in (fill in the blank…your country of residence.)?

The book is being distributed without DRM to Amazon, BN, iTunes, other digital distributors, a number of libraries, and I’ll upload to Smashwords and ARe.  Both Smashwords and ARe sell across the globe so even if you can’t get it from Amazon, B&N, etc, you can get it from Smashwords or ARe.

Is this romance?

No.  It’s urban fantasy.  There is a romantic subplot, and there is a guy who I think is probably one of the more appealing ones I’ve written, but it is definitely not a romance. If you like paranormal romance, this might appeal, but please don’t read this book and think you’ll be getting a book like one of my Shiloh Walker books.

Why the name thing?

That’s discussed here