Hi… I’m Eeyore…want to take me home?

contest closed.  Winner to be posted 8.10.12

From Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews (this is an old snippet, swiped from her blog)

“I have had it with this shit.  Woken up, in the middle of the night, didn’t get any sleep, rode across the fucking city, nu na cherta mne ato nuzhno*.”  He waved his hand in front of his face.  “Damn magic everywhere, making me sneeze.”

The monster next to him opened its mouth.  Roman whacked it with the top of his staff on the nose.  “You – shut up.”

The beast looked like a cat who got popped with a newspaper: half-shock, half-outrage.  Roman looked the two of us over.  “What’s the matter with you two?”

The magic melted, taking the visions with it.   My mind struggled to formulate a coherent thought, any thought.  I opened my mouth.  “Your pants have Eeyore on them.”

“I like Eeyore.  He is sensible.  A sober look on life never hurt anyone.”

I fell in love with Roman with this line.  Yeah, yeah.  The book is about Raphael and Andrea, but Roman is awesome, too.

Want to win Eeyore & Roman? (and Andrea and Raphael)?

I’m giving away an unsigned copy of Gunmetal Magic and Eeyore. The book works fine as a standalone, so if you haven’t read any of the Kate Daniels’ books (and why haven’t you?) this is a good place to get your feet wet.  It’s awesome.  You want to read this.  Want to win?

Just tell me your favorite Winnie the Pooh character…if you can’t think of one, tell me your favorite UF character.  If you can’t think of one…um, your favorite character, period. O.O

I’ll draw one name at random and post the winner here next week.  A quick run-down on my contest rules…you must check back to see if you’ve won.  That’s how the winner is notified, and I don’t redraw names. DO NOT POST TO TWITTERSWEEPS/SWEEPSTAKES SITES…if this happens, I can and likely will end the contest without drawing a winner.  Open internationally. One entry per household. Void where prohibited, blah, blah, blah…read the rest of the rules here.  FYI, entering the contest means if you have read and agreed to the rules.

45 Replies to “Hi… I’m Eeyore…want to take me home?”

  1. I haven’t seen a stuffed animal of him in over 24 yrs but my favorite is Roo. He doesn’t get much play but what he does is good. Eeyore is my second favorite :).
    Thank you.

  2. I, too, love Eeyore, but he’s too much like me. Tigger is my favorite. He’s basically a good guy, but because he’s always out for fun, it leads to trouble. 🙂

  3. Eeyore of course! As as child and even still today, I relate to his cautious, glass half empty philosophy of life!

  4. I did so not get the title first, I read it wrong, I think, anyone, we spell it Ior 😉
    But who my fav was, I guess I never was a true fan, but now I liked Tigger cos he is so, well Tigger 😉

  5. Eeyore was always my fave because it was always ‘going to rain.’ Never liked Winnie the Pooh much so didn’t read very many- and Tigger was just waaaay too happy. I have a dark side a kind of cultivate.


  6. I’ve always had a soft spot for Piglet…maybe because I’m a bit of a Nervous Nellie myself 😉

  7. My favorite as a child was Tigger, because I was a strawberry blond who bounced a lot. My father still calls me tigger from time to time.

  8. Eeyore! “thanks for noticing” i love this series and have been anxiously awaiting this book!

  9. Piglet was always one of my favorites, but you can’t go wrong with Pooh himself. All the characteristics of a strong hero- a great body, strong appetites, and the will to get things done, no matter what the obstacles 😉

  10. I adore all the Winnie the Pooh characters! One of my favorite is Tigger and we had a bunch of stuffed Tiggers around when I was growing up and still do.

  11. Eeyore, hands down. I loved him from the first time I saw him when I was four years old and he was sad because his tail had been lost. I love him now, twenty years later. Between his attitude – so not typical for a cartoon character meant for kids! – and, um, hello? he’s a donkey! what’s NOT to love about Eeyore?!

  12. My favorite has always been Eeyore. I have had many things with Eeyore, clothing, stuffed animals, bags, even a watch that played “Rain Drops Keep Falling on My Head”, LOL. I still have PJs and a couple of tshirts with him on them.

    My second fave would probably be Piglet, cause I just love pigs 🙂

  13. Hm, it’s a tossup between Rabbit and Owl. They both want to help but they are both limited in what they can really do.

  14. Our all time favorite just has to be Tigger… My eldest son personified him, always jumping bouncing (climbing, diving, adventuring) and getting in trouble.

    I’d love to win so I could put them on my shelf and enjoy them.

  15. I wasn’t much of a Pooh person in my youth, but I think I most identify with Tigger. I like to be on the move and don’t stay in place for too long.

  16. I love Tigger!!!! I even have a two foot tall one that my daughter got me for Christmas one year. I use to have Tigger slippers, but wore them out…HAHAHA
    Anyway, would love to win Eeyore and Gunmetal Magic. I can snuggle and read.

  17. Great giveaway!!! I’m a big Piglet fan since he always seems to be the voice of reason and he’s uber cute. Can’t wait to read this book!!

  18. Ohmigosh, I’d gave *bought* this Eeyore from you, if you’d given me a heads-up! The books…well, they’re kind of a no-brainer. 😉 Pooh & Friends are my absolute favorite. Growing up, I assigned each of them to one of my family members. I was alternately Winnie (because I’m “stuffed with fluff”) or Tigger (because I can be very bouncy – & also “I’m the only one!” *g*)…my dad was Eeyore because he was so laid back & go-with-the-flow…my mother was Kanga, for obvious reasons…my brother was Roo – also kinda obvious 😉 … my grandmother was Rabbit because he’s so critical…& my grandfather was Owl because he thought he knew everything.

    I still collect all things Pooh (including Classic, i.e. Edward Bear), & even the spot in the woods where I dump cat litter is called Poo(h) Corner. *snicker*

    So next time you’re giving away Pooh stuff–call me, girl!

  19. My favorite is Ms. Kanga. She always manages to have a calm head no matter what trouble the rest of the group is up to.

  20. Oh, my mother was also sometimes very Piglet-y…you know, shy & unsure of herself. And when I give my cats nicknames, they usually end up being Pooh-related.

    Yeah, okay…shutting up now. I *told you* I was Pooh-obsessive. 😛

  21. I am a Tigger girl all the way. I even have Tigger in my car. I love Tigger because he’s the only one!

  22. I’ve always been partial to Piglet. He’s so sweet and lovig to everyone. However, I am know to sing Pooh’s hungry song when I have the munchies

    I’m so rumbly in my tumbly
    Time to munch an early luncheon
    Hum dee dum dum dum
    Oh, I wouldn’t climb this tree
    If a Pooh flew like a bee
    But I wouldn’t be a bear then
    So I guess I wouldn’t care then!
    Bears love honey
    And I’m a Pooh bear
    So I do care
    So I’ll climb there
    I’m so rumbly in my tumbly
    Time for something sweet!

  23. I used to have an Eeyore when I was young, bc everyone thought I was like him. I packed him away when i left for college and then my mother threw him I’m away. :(. I would love to give this one a home.

  24. I’m a Winnie the Pooh fan, he’s so cute and cuddly, so sweet and so laid back; my favorite!!!

  25. Pooh is one of my favorite all time characters! I just love that adorable bear.

  26. Eeyore of course 🙂 got one for my first son that i bought couple years ago..i guess this eeyore will goes to my 2nd boy *fingerscrossed* 😀

  27. My favorite Pooh character is Tigger. That’s T-I-double guh-urr. I just love him. I do pick up Eyeore frequently too. They are both so adorable.

  28. Thanks for the giveaway! My fave UF character is without a doubt Barrons from KMM’s Fever series! What a hottie! Don’t worry though, Damon is right up there too with my fave UF hotties 😉 ha!

    Happy release day too!!! LOVED Blade Song, can’t wait for Night Blade!

  29. Well, DUH! Tigger, of course!! Why? ” ‘Cause the wonderful thing about Tigger… is I’m the only one!” Also because I’ve been cat-owned almost all of my life. Pooh himself is my next favourite. I used to have a teddy bear pattern that I would make bears out of for friends incoming children, and I turned them into both Pooh and Paddington (my other favourite bear!). I still have the Paddington Bear I made as a “model garment” when I worked at JoAnne Fabrics, way, way back in the day.

    Thanks for the contest!



  30. I love Winnie the Pooh, decorated my boy’s bedrooms in everything Pooh when they were born. Now that I am expecting my first grandchild in the fall, I have to share the love with my new grandbaby, and Eeyore would be a perfect critter to start with.

  31. Eeyore’s one of my favorites, if only because of his glumness 😉 He needs some cheer, don’t you think? Thanks for the fun, Shi!

  32. Great giveway. Eeyore is my favorite. I slept on eeyore pajamas until a couple of years ago when they wore out.

  33. Piglet was my favorite right along with Eeyore. I think Pooh is huggable, so yes I do have him on my bed. But growing up with crazy people (in the best way possible) but that made me the “Savior of all things us”, the responsible one (My siblings were all amazed, lol). But I have always had a soft spot for Eeyore.

  34. Favorite Winnie the Pooh character: I have 2. Tigger and Eeyore.

    Favorite UF character: I can’t just pick one, but I do love Kate. 🙂

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