Question… about preorders

So I have a dilemma and it’s a big one.  I’m not going into a lot of detail, but it’s pretty complicated and I’ve got a lot of issues I have to consider.

Would appreciate your feedback.

11 Replies to “Question… about preorders”

  1. I tend to put them into my wish list on Amazon so I don’t forget them. I’ll pre-order a couple months ahead.

  2. I also use my Amazon wish list to keep track of books I want that haven’t been released yet. I almost never pre-order. In fact, I’ve done it maybe three times and I buy..say 3 or so books a week. So to be able to pre-order is not important at all to me personally, what is important is that the book is up early on Amazon so I can put it on my wish list and keep track of it’s release date.
    I’m really looking forward to Blade Song by the way, can’t wait to read it! Loved the free short story on when I read it a year or two ago, and I’ve been hoping for more since then 🙂

  3. I am more likely to use a wish list than pre-order. That is not to say that I sometimes do it. If there is an e-book I am getting and another is being released in a couple of days I will go ahead and pre-order so that I only have 1 transaction. Or if I am looking at books to purchase and one is coming out in a few days, I will pre-order it along with my others. This way I can save on shipping and get it all in one shipment. Plus I do not have to wait forever to get any of them.

  4. Yeah I am much the same as everyone above. I use the Wish List feature to keep track of books and their release dates. I might pre-order now and then but mostly I just want an easy way to keep track of the release date.

  5. I tend to do the same thing. If I have a “stack” on my nook already to be read, I will add the up-coming pre-order book to my e-wishlist on my nook. That way when I am ready for a new book it is quick and easy to find. I purchase more from that list than just surfing around the catalog.

  6. I generally just mark them on my wishlist. I have only pre-ordered a couple of books, and those were just on special pricing to pre-order.

  7. Depends if a series I read has a book coming out, if so will pre-order up to a year ahead so do not forget to get that particular book. Mostly keep my Wishing to Read list updated on GR as my TBR shelves are always overflowing and waiting is no problem.

  8. I tend to put them in my shopping cart to remind me to order them when they come out but since I like to combine orders and save the shipping, I usually wait until there are several titles I want at once.

  9. If it is a book in a series that I adore or a highly anticipated book, then I pre-order. That way I know it will be waiting for me when I turn on my Kindle. If it is a book that is first in a series or from an author I do not follow, then I put it on my TBR list on Goodreads.

  10. I preorder all of my favorite authors as soon as they are available and I keep a spreadsheet of books that lists books by release date as soon as they are announced so I don’t forget to preorder them when they come available. I know it sounds like overkill but I buy between 50-60 books a month and it is easy for something to slip through the cracks if I am not methodical. Amazon’s Wishlist is nice but it tends to lead to oh so helpful suggestions that I purchase totally unrelated products from out of left field. Like adult diapers, once, after I put a $95 European Jewelry reference book that was back ordered on my Wishlist.

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