Books and Shiny Stuff… giving it away…

Going to be setting up the list for my blog tour soon, but if you wanna post the button…

And maybe see the prizes?

Another image of the earrings because mine doesn’t show as much detail…

Image from Amazon

The bag contains swag from RT, a couple of samplers, as well as a T-shirt and cap from Ellora’s Cave, The Vampire Shrink from Lynda Hilburn, The Wolf Gift from Anne Rice and Cowgirls Don’t Cry by Lorelei James.

The books and bag were picked up for giveaways at RT.

The earrings…I wanted something that was kind of… Kit-like.  Kit likes shiny stuff, but usually the sharp short of shiny stuff.  So the dagger earrings were perfect.

The goodies will all be for the blog tour and I’ll have info coming up soon.