My brain is very, very tired…

I have nothing to say.

We’ll talk books.

I’m editing STOLEN, my next RS due out from Ballantine.  Shay is the heroine.  She’s one of the most broken heroines I’ve ever written.  I thought that title would forever belong to Devon from FRAGILE and I was wrong. Shay beats her.  But she rebuilds herself, in her own way.

A snippet…

But if that woman thought she was going to bully Shay into silence, bully Shay into anything, she was in for one very rude awakening.

Shay wasn’t letting anybody take her life over.  Maybe it was empty as hell—or had been, until Elliot came along.  Maybe she was lonely a lot of the time, and maybe she was afraid of her own shadow.  But it was her life, damn it, and she’d protect it.

I’m reading Blood and Bullets by James R Tuck.  Reading slow, sadly, because of my edits and another project I’m working on, but it’s fun.

Once I finish this, I’m getting Patty Briggs’ newest, and Lynn Viehl’s newest and…book glomming.

What are you reading?

10 Replies to “My brain is very, very tired…”

  1. I am reading Jenn LeBlanc’s Rake and Recluse on my Kindle and Shayla Black’s Surrender To Me in paper.

  2. Well, I am waiting on the new Patricia Briggs. I just got the new MJD on kindle and while I was browsing I noticed I hadn’t gotten any of your books in a while so I bought like 6 of them.. I am very happy right now!!! Now if I only had a secret place to hide from the hubby and kids until I was finished reading everything I would be fantastic.LOL

  3. Just finished ‘If You See Her’ and ‘Dark Frost’ (by Jennifer Estep). Both were great reads (of course, lol).

  4. Hmm…couldn’t figure out how to delete the above post. Please go ahead and delete my comments…I didn’t realize I’d be advertising for someone else on your blog!

  5. Reading If You Know Her…love it so far. After that gonna read Deadly Sins from Lora Leigh.
    Just got done reading The Immortal Knight Series from Delilah Devlin.( Had to keep reading till My pre order for If You Know Her downloaded!!!

  6. ELF, you’re fine… 🙂 that’s what the commentluv is for. it’s not advertising unless somebody is here shoving books down people’s throats. 😉 And when they do that, I reserve the right to rearrange their posts.

  7. I’m re-reading The Departed. This is my first time commenting and Shiloh, your novels keep me up late at night because I want to keep reading. Now you’ve created a heroine more broken than Devon? That’s saying something!

  8. Hi Reese and welcome! Yes… I made somebody more broken than Devon. 🙂 Her name is Shay. The book is called STOLEN and you’ll read more about it in the next couple of months.

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