Helping Harry…

Updated to add… now available on the Kindle!


A friend told me about this extraordinary kid and asked me if I’d be willing to write a short article to put in a collection of essays to help raise money for his charity, Help Harry Help Others.  An 11 yr old kid who an inoperable brain tumor who wants to help others.  Yes.  I can do that.

All proceeds from this essay collection will be going to Harry’s Charity.  There are some excerpts and such, but the essays are from writers…about…writing 😉  Again, all proceeds are going to the charity.  It would be great if you could grab a copy and help spread the word about this amazing kid.

And if you’re so inclined…you can buy it at Smashwords now.  It will be at Kindle & Nook once they get it uploaded. Nook coming soon  will update as new links are available

Kindle | Smashwords (for people to donate to Harry directly, set up by his supporters) (Harry’s site, buy bracelets and/or donate to CRUK) (the blog for the project)

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