Hunter’s Choice… free

Heya folks

For the next little while, you can download Hunter’s Choice for free, downloadable from All Romance Ebooks and Smashwords.  I’m working to get these available on Kindle & Nook as well, but I can’t guarantee it will happen.

Download from All Romance Ebooks

Download from Smashwords

7 Replies to “Hunter’s Choice… free”

  1. Thank you!!!

    My TBR pile was starting to look very meager. Now it’s got something exciting for me to look forward to!!



  2. Cool! free ebook but i hope you have it at amazon. I’m a newbie kindle user. Thanks.

  3. @Cate, as I mentioned in the beginning of the post, I’m working on getting it to the Kindle and Nook, but I can’t guarantee it will happen. Sorry, but it’s not under my control.

    Amazon doesn’t let authors set a price of zero through the Kindle publishing platform, nor does B&N/Nook. Publishers can and I’m attempting to do so through Smashwords, but they are slow and Amazon doesn’t always take every title. Again, I have no control over this issue, I’m afraid. The only way I can guarantee the title for free for you and all Nook/Kindle users would be to download it via Smashwords and All Romance Ebooks. Smashwords has simple instructions on how to get books from their store onto the Kindle.

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