Win a Kobo

Between now and June, when Hunter’s Fall releases, I’m running a contest… you can enter to a Kobo wireless reader.

FYI, please note…I’ve limited this contest to US readers only.  I mentioned this a month or so ago, that I’d have to limit some contests.  There are several reasons, but one of the deciding factors with large contests is this…I don’t know the laws of giving things away in your country. I just don’t. But if I give away a prize to a reader and it’s something like a Kobo that’s basically useless…well, there are problems here. Again, I still don’t know the laws for giveaways in your country and if I break those laws…um, well, I’m screwed.  The void where prohibited bit may not cover me and I’m not taking the chance.

I do know the Kobo works in several places outside the US.  But again…I still don’t know the laws.  Since I can’t fairly track down the laws for one without doing it for others…not going there.  I will do more giveaways closer to or around the time Hunter’s Fall comes out and they’ll be open across the globe. But from here on out, prizes like ebook readers, will be US only.

5 Replies to “Win a Kobo”

  1. I am entered! Excellent giveaway. I can hardly wait to see what else you have planned.

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