The Bad New/The Good News…

The Bad News is…

Reading contracts makes my head hurt.  O.o

The Good News is…

Thank You, God, I’m reading a contract for a book I just sold to Ballantine…


This is a standalone romantic suspense title, called Stolen, (tentatively) probably due out mid to late summer of next year.  It’s a in-between title of sorts, between the series that’s due out this fall and the next series I’m going to write for them.

The current plan is to set it in Alaska…

It involves a weird writer… that’s the heroine.  And a hero.  And that’s all I’m telling you.

19 Replies to “The Bad New/The Good News…”

  1. Congrats Shiloh!!! So excited for you for the contract and for me to get another Shiloh Walker book. 🙂

  2. Congrats! A weird writer you say? Alaska you say? You know, you could have a great time for the next year giving little teasing bits!

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