Saturday Snippets…from The Departed

Dez & Taylor’s book, follow up to The Missing. This book, thank God, is almost DONE…

Sighing, she looked down at the key and the map, and then back up just in time to see him slip back into the hospital. Just in time to see him look back at her. Their gazes connected and time fell away. Her heart seemed to hitch inside her chest and she could hear the echo of it in her ears, hear the roar of blood.

Swallowing, she found herself wanting to drop the key, the map…everything. And just go to him.

But she’d tried that before. And even though it had been amazing, in the end, he’d pushed her away, pushed her so far, in the end, he’d pushed her completely out.  There was still a hole inside her over that.

Sighing, she tore her eyes from him and started for her car.

Why in the hell had she gone and fallen for somebody like him anyway?

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