September Sizzles Winner-The Big Winner

Winner of the September Sizzles Contest-$150 to the Online Bookseller of their Choice…

We couldn’t have made this much more random if we tried.

Courtesy of…the winner’s name came from Anya’s blog…

Ok loving this contest it not only has awesome experts. Its bringing me in contact with some authors i havent read and love find new authors to read

by Heather Hann

Heather, you have about a week to contact the contest coordinator (Shiloh) at shilohwalker(at)

Please put September Sizzles Grand Prize Winner in the subject line.

Thanks to all who participated! It was a lot of fun for us, hopefully for you as well!

One Reply to “September Sizzles Winner-The Big Winner”

  1. THANK U so much i’ve had a crappy week and this has made it sooooooooo much better as i always say u keep writing and i will keep buying God Bless u and ur Shiloh Thanks again. be in touch

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