The Friday 56-Shadow Blade by Seressa Glass

My TBR pile is a nightmare.  Am trying to organize.  Shadow Blade is in it and as I’m trying to organize, it was the closest.

Shadow Blade

A large population lived in between, intermingling with the Children of Man and spawning hybrid offspring that had given rise to enduring tales of vampires, werewolf, merpeople, and others.

The Friday 56 idea came from… This is What I Have to Say

The Rules:

  • Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
  • Turn to page 56.
  • Find the fifth sentence.
  • Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of this blog.
  • Post a link along with your post back to this blog.
  • Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

10 Replies to “The Friday 56-Shadow Blade by Seressa Glass”

  1. She tripped and stumbled over the rocks and logs, silently cursing him all the way.

    Lake Magic – Kimberly Fisk

  2. And something unfurled inside her then, some hidden part of her that had been waiting. Waiting for…this moment her whole life.

    Marked ~ Elisabeth Naughton

  3. “Sorry about your sister-in-law,” Bud Dearborn said, but I could barely pay attention to his words.

    Dead and Gone- Charlene Harris

  4. Hannah curled her fingers in Rick’s hair and fought to hold back the cries that threatened to pour from her lips.

    Men of Danger-Lora Leigh, etc..

  5. Standing over him in her chemise and drawers, she crossed her arms over her front and frowned.
    ~~ Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas.

  6. Someplace where he could run,run until he’d exhausted himself.
    Shiloh Walker
    Hunter’s Need

    My Mom gave me your book. I loved it. Immediately after reading this story I felt compelled to find everything you’ve published.

  7. This is a pretty cool idea..okay here’s mine –

    “How else could I possibly interpret the manner in which you call me ‘Princess’?”

    Possess Me at Midnight by Shayla Black

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