Christmas memories

Did you have a good Christmas?

Add any good memories?

That’s what Christmas should do, after all… add some good memories.  I’m sure I added a few…since I’m writing this a few days in advance, I’m not sure which memories those will be, but I’m sure there will be at least a few good memories to add.

Christmas brings me a lot of good memories.  There are good memories when I was a kid.  Four kids, fighting to see who could get downstairs first.  The last Christmas before my grandma (my dad’s mom) died.   Memories of the year our tree fell over and Mom stayed up one night redecorating it while we slept.

One of my best memories took place in 1995.  I was 19.  It was the year my high school sweetheart proposed.  We got married roughly seven months later.  We started dating in 1991 and we’ve been together almost 19 years now…19 years of Christmas memories.  Some excellent memories, too.

What about you?  Any year that really stands out?