Great article on faith and writing

I’ve been in the church most of my life-I was born and raised there, and with the exception of a few years, I’ve gone to church regularly all of my life-and it’s not just because it’s habit.  I wouldn’t describe myself as ‘religious’, just because ‘religious’ is very often something that doesn’t describe faith all that well on a personal level.  While I don’t describe myself as a person of ‘religion’, I do describe myself as a person of faith.

And I’m also an erotic romance writer-for some people, there’s a gap between the two that just doesn’t meet up well.  I write about sex.  I go to church.  I believe in heaven and hell, sin, redemption, salavtion…and I write about sex.  For some, these just don’t meet.

I reconciled them because I don’t believe God created sex just as a way to procreate-it was meant to be a gift-a wedding present.  The God I believe isn’t setting on some pedestal just waiting to strike down those who displease Him.  He wanted us to enjoy life, and enjoy sex-if we weren’t meant to enjoy sex, we wouldn’t.  So writing about two people in love, experiencing the joys of sex isn’t wrong.  Writing is a gift, and it’s one He gave me.  For those who believe, I feel that God blesses those who live the lives He wanted them to them and if they try to do it their own way…well, it’s that Jonah and the whale thing.  If I wasn’t supposed to do what I’m doing, I wouldn’t be experiencing so many blessings in my life.

I found a link to this blog on twitter, and it struck a chord and I had to share.

“After much study on and struggle with this issue, I came to the conclusion that it’s never a sin for an artist to try to depict life as accurately as possible, and that includes the sexual aspects of life. That would be like saying Michelangelo’s David was “dirty and sinful” just because Michelangelo chose to sculpt the human body in all of its naked glory. Love scenes are no different from family scenes or conflict scenes or battle scenes.If I’m going to make my readers a part of my characters’ lives, then I don’t feel comfortable showing them all other aspects of that life, then slamming the bedroom door in their faces. Many people who don’t read romances don’t get this, but romances are actually incredibly moral books. The hero and heroine generally have a monogamous relationship that always ends in a lifelong commitment, usually marriage. I’ve probably become a MORE moral person by reading and writing romance. I also don’t feel like art is required to depict a perfect life. Every plot may not lend itself to marrying off the hero and heroine before they do the deed, but you’ll usually find that while they’re still basking in the afterglow, my heroes are already thinking, “Hey! I need to marry me that woman!”I believe God gave me my talent and I believe He wants me to use it for good. When I recently received a letter from a woman who had just undergone a hysterectomy and was afraid she’d never again feel sexual desire for her husband again…until she read CHARMING THE PRINCE, it simply validated that belief. I will always respect the beliefs of fellow Christians who aren’t comfortable reading or writing explicit love scenes, but I believe romances are beautiful and spiritual books that celebrate the best of what love has to offer and mirrors the love that God has for His children.”Jen, “You Work For Who?”, Jul 2009

Had to share…