Night Echoes by Holly Lisle

I don’t have time or the money to host giveaways for every good book I read, but since I love to share…here’s a new category…oh, hai…good book. And our mascot is the baby bratlet, reading Blue Smoke.  This was taken winter before last, but I love it.  🙂

First book up…Night Echoes by Holly Lisle.

Reading now.  Loving it.

The blurb…

Artist Emma Beck returns to her southern hometown to discover the truth about her secret family history. With the help of Mike Ruhl, the contractor she’s falling in love with, Emma finds that her legacy is more chilling and unexpected than she ever dreamed.

It’s a little spooky, which I love.  Cool twists and turns.

And it’s got a great cover, too.  😉