Wake up call

So I don’t write very well in the morning. Can’t focus. I use mornings for email, blog-hopping, updates on my site, errands, whatever.

In the afternoon, I focus better. But I start getting tired then.

I’ve heard the tricks, eat some protein, don’t eat heavy before writing, drink plenty of water, do some exerscise… I’ve heard, I’ve tried them. Sometimes, they work. Other times? Not so much.

One thing I have discovered works, and well, is salsa.

Yep. Salsa.

Sigh. The spicier the better. Now I don’t have stomach issues, so this isn’t a problem in that aspect. But since salsa just isn’t salsa without chips…and I can’t eat chips every day…this presents a problem.

I guess I could just try eating a spoonful of it before I sit down to work, but it just isn’t the same.

So you got other recommendations? Hmmmm…maybe some spicy V8 or something?