RT Giveaway

So you didn’t make it to Romantic Times 2008?

Feeling bummed about it?

Awwww… don’t feel bad. Here’s a chance to win a bag of goodies I brought home, just for this purpose.

It’s got books in it (sorry, can’t remember which ones…or uh, where the bag is at the moment) it has promo goodies in it. A nice tote.

So not quite being there, but hey, you can get some of the goodies we got.

I’m going to make one condition to the contest-if you did go to RT, don’t enter. This is for those who weren’t able to go, okay? And always…if you’re unfamiliar with my contests, read the disclaimer. Cheaters get thrown out automtically, I do ship outside the country, but it might take a while, and you have to check back to see if you win-otherwise, it’s kind of hard to claim your prize. 🙂 Easy enough?

Okay, all you have to do to enter is drop your name into the comments section and tell me where you’d like to see RT at in the future. I’ll draw a winner sometime in the next week and post it here on the blog.

Contest is now over-the winner’s name has been drawn & posted.  To eliminate confusion, comments on this post are now closed.