Leave it alone

There’s an issue in this world of personal accountability. Nobody likes owning up with they make a mistake, nobody likes apologizing, nobody likes admitting they were wrong, and none of us, no matter how decent a person we may be, like dealing with the consequences that come when you do make a mistake.

But it’s something responsible, mature people are willing to do, IMO. We may have to grit our teeth, clench our fists, hang our heads in shame while we do it but hey, doing it is the key. Admitting a mistake is often the only way to learn from it.

Excusing personal mistakes does nothing to help.

We all make personal mistakes. Sometimes mistakes that can affect us in ways that are both personal… and professional. It sucks, but there you go. When you do make a mistake that causes you professional grief, or causes problems among family & friends, the absolute worst thing you can do is try to excuse it or explain it away.

Especially… repeatedly. There is such a thing as kicking a dead horse. It does no good. Trying to keep excusing your behavior away, instead of just admitting, hey, I screwed it up, now I need to face that… it’s a not any kind of way to put a mistake behind you.

People make mistakes. All of us. Sometimes we make mistakes that we should know better than to make. Sometimes we make mistakes without even realizing we’ve made them, until somebody else makes us aware. But once you’re made aware… although human instinct is usually to explain it away, make up excuses, or just blame it on somebody else, none of these will help you in the end. You’ll still have made a mistakes. It can’t be undone and trying to explain, excuse or defend your actions when it’s clear you did something wrong…all that does is make you look bad.

And when you’re doing all of this in public, it might be wise to remember that the public sometimes has a very, very long memory.

And for those that totally confused about what set this off…. check out the 400+ post over @ Dear Author. Top Ten Tips for Plagiarists.