BOMC for August/September


I’m late!  Ack!  Sorry!  August has been a hellacious month, teething baby, deadline for a proposal, not to mention the three, yes three, novellas/short stories I’ve written since the start of the killer 70 Days of Sweat.  I’m also more than half way done with the current WIP, titled The Missing and I’ve done edits on One of the Guys and For the Love of Jazz, both due out this fall.

So yes, I slacked on the BOMC, I admit it.

BUT!  I have done some reading.  I read Ann Christopher’s Trouble and liked it.  I reread Nora Robert’s Rebellion (uhhhhhmmmmmm… the MacGregors….I’ll admit that a certain juvenile part of me wants to have a tantrum that we won’t see any more of Daniel or the rest of the clan…sniffle) and I’m working on Moongazer by Marianne Mancusi~working because the idea interests me but I hate first person.  Normally, I’d toss it back to the TBR pile or the giveaway pile but the idea is pulling me so I am going to work past my hate of first person and read it.

But I have read something that I absolutely loved and it’s going to be my BOMC….Night Play, by Sherrilyn Kenyon.  The readers over at the BDB yahoo group mentioned this one and after I saw it multiple times, I had to get it and oh, man am i glad I did. Vane and Bride…. ummmmmmm…. wonderful book there.  loved loved loved it.

It was mentioned after a couple of the group members asked for suggestions for books with plus sized heroines.  Now I am plus-sized, but I didn’t pick it up because of that, and I didn’t pick it up at all until several people started raving about it. 

Plus sized doesn’t matter to me.  Just liking the heroine is all I care about and way too many books with plus sized heroines seem to feature the heroine as just about hating herself because of her weight.  How can I like her if she doesn’t like herself?  More, how can I like a book if it makes me feel that much more self conscious about my own weight?

Night Play did none of that.  Yes, the heroine wished she weighed less, but she didn’t dwell on it too much.  Some, yes.  But not too much.  And the hero loved her. 

He didn’t have a fat fetish and that’s another one of my pet peeves about romance books with plus sized heroines.  Comments like he loved her big, jiggly ass do not strike me as erotic, romantic or hot.  I see those in a book and I throw it.  Literally.  And I probably won’t ever buy the author again.  Yeah, I have a big butt and the DH incidentally does like it, but if he called it a big, jiggly ass, I’d smack him.  So I don’t want to read that kind of line either.

I was a little leery of reading the book just because it did have a plus sized heroine and too many books with plus sized heroines hit my pet peeves.  Not this one.

Vane was romantic, he loved her as she was and saw her as perfect.  Bride accepted herself and came to see that Vane loved her without pulling any stupid crap that also makes me want to hurl a book. 

This was just, plain and simply, a very good, very hot, very sweet romance.  I enjoyed it so much that I went out and bought Valerius and Tabitha’s story, although I haven’t read it yet.  I also want Fang and Fury’s stories.

While I’m not haunting her website and looking for bits and morsels of the next books, and while I haven’t bought every book on her backlist, I can definitely say I am loving what I’ve read so far from SK.

Since it’s so late in the month, Night Play is going to go thru August and September as the BOMC. This is a contest which means there is a prize and the prize is Night Play.  If you’ve already read it, join in anyway and if you win, you and me will work something out.

As always, the way to win the book is join in on the discussion.  FYI, I count DISCUSSION as something like, Hey, I read that book and I loved this about it or that…  or a comment like,  I don’t normally read her because….    You can offer suggestions for me or other bloggers, books you’ve read and loved, etc etc.  But I’d love to win this isn’t really discussing. It’s sort of boring and I do hate being bored.  ;o)

You can comment as many times as you like, but I draw the name by ISP so you will only be entered once, and it’s YOUR responsiblity to check back at the end of September to see if you win.  Reading my blog regularly greatly increases your chances of seeing your name… but that isn’t why I do it that way.  I’ve got too much to do to track down winners and after I’d wasted a week trying get ahold of one, I decided now the winners have to contact me.

Soooooo…. who has read it?  Who has loved it?  Got any recs for me?