More on Monday…Book edition


More Tiger and Del.  Jennifer Roberson wrote the last one some time ago.  And it was the last one.  It was great, but I wanted more.

Another LKH book like Nightseer.  Okay, I want the follow up to Nightseer to specific.  This was her best, IMO and I wanted MORE.

More of Nora Roberts; Chesapeake Bay series. I loved this one. I know there aren’t any more stories there, but reading that last one was like seeing a friend for the last time before they moved away. Yeah, I know you can still visit, read them again, but it’s bittersweet and it’s not the same.

And it wouldn’t be a booklist for me if I didn’t list the Stardoc books (which by the way is the BOMContest Book for July). There are a couple more coming, but then it’s probably going to end and I’m going to cry.

Okay, who out there is greedy like me and always wanting more?  More of what?

Just an FYI, if you’re a writer, I’ve been conned, forced, agreed to do a workshop here shortly while some are away at Nationals.  I’m not too into the meet/greet/mingle thing so I’m cool with not going.  If you aren’t going as well, hang around.