Bad Reviews

Is there such a thing as bad reviews… well, duh.  Yeah.  But even bad reviews can be good publicity…if you handle it right.  Just like handling it badly can cost you readers.  There are sadly several authors that I used to enjoy that I don’t buy any more.

Is this a protest along the lines of….you’re a naughty, mean person and until you are nice, I will not read your books?  Not really.  It’s more along the lines of my TBR stack soars into the sky and I really only want to buy books that I know I’m going to end up reading and I have a hard time getting pulled into the story when I’ve seen the author acting like a total bitch every time I turn around.  That bitchy attitude interferes with my enjoyment of the book.  Since it interferes, I’m not going to waste my time and money on picking up a book that I may or may not be able to get into.

We’ve all heard the complaints from readers who’ve gotten fed up with diva attitudes so I think it’s safe to say I’m not the only person who has changed buying habits because of what I seen online. Most of the irate ABB diatribes I’ve seen have been related to authors responding to negative reviews or criticism over cover art.  So there’s one huge reason not to react to reviews unless you can do it in a positive, polite way.

But on the flipside, if you see a bad review and politely say, Hey, thanks for reading it, but I’m sorry you didn’t like it…  You can maybe turn that negative review into a positive.  Readers and reviewers alike are more likely to pick up your book if you don’t belittle them just because their reading tastes didn’t mesh with your writing.

Bottom line… when it comes to authors and reviews…we do need to listen to Thumper’s mama.  If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.

There are different rules for readers and writers.  Readers don’t depend on our goodwill for their continued livelihood.  Authors, though, we do depend on the reader.  That doesn’t mean you need to start kissing butt, but it does mean you need to remember they are entitled to their opinion and you attacking them for it isn’t going to do anything but make you look the fool.

**This was written before I left on vacation so I won’t be reading comments until later…however, if you have an opinion, feel free to leave it in the comments!