My news….


I can tell now.  I’ve been given permission to blab, now that the authors are all lined up.  And for what it’s worth, those of you that I’ve been driving insane, I couldn’t say anything yet.  Had to wait until I got the okay.

Sometime in 2008, my first ‘real’ historical be releasing from Berkley. And I say ‘real’ because I’ve written one or two with dream scene sort of things or flashbacks to the past, but very little that is wholly set in the past. 

It’s an anthology and I’ve been told the other authors are Robin Schone, Claudia Dain and Jennifer Ashley.

So Sybil, leave me alone already, I’m doing a historical.  :OP

Which is why I’ve been reading non-fiction.  Reading up on the periods of American history that interest me and I do have several ideas in mind, just trying to figure out which direction I want to go.  Of course… ONE of the ideas is like almost half way done, but I’m not sure if it’s what I want to go with….must see, must see…

So there’s my news!

*Edited to add…* I’m an airhead.  I did forget one or two historical things I wrote for Samhain, The Huntress and Malachi.  Oops!