Thirteen Road Trip Necessities

banner courtesy of Kelly


Since we’re heading out to Gatlinburg tomorrow, I figured I’d do one as a memo to me. 

  1. BOOKS.  An absolute must, for both me and the bratlet. 
  2. Laptop.  Another must for me.  I can get some serious writing done on the road.
  3. Movies for the kidlets.  How did my parents ever take us on roadtrips without movies to entertain us?  I dunno how they managed because if the trip is more than two hours long, I’m pretty close to stark raving mad if there aren’t movies for them to watch.
  4. Dramamine.  The bratlet gets car sick, poor kid.
  5. Lactaid.  The bratlet is also lactose intolerant but she loves anything and everything with cheese.
  6. Swimming suits.  Doesn’t matter if we’re going to Barrow, Alaska, my kids would somehow, someway, find an indoor swimming pool.  Okay, maybe not in Barrow, but they manage it just about everywhere we have been.
  7. A gazillion changes of clothes for both me and the bratlet.  I’m not exactly a clothes horse, but if I don’t pack a huge selection of clothes, I end up not finding anything to wear.  Sometimes even then.  As for the baby bratlet?  Well, she’s the baby bratlet.  She goes thru clothes like I go through books.
  8. Cameras.  Digital and film.  Still getting the hang of the Canon Rebel the DH bought me for Christmas and I won’t go on a single road trip without it.
  9. Ibuprofen, my inhaler and some kind of painkiller in case a migraine flares.  If I don’t have something to knock me, I’m sure to need it.  The ibuprofen and the inhaler because the DH always find some kind of trail we absolutely have to check out.
  10. Hiking boots. For said trails.
  11. My milage book and a notebook to jot down notes since I always seem to find some place or some thing to write about if I’m out of town. 
  12. Snacks for the rottens to eat in the car.
  13. My Atlas.  I could get lost anywhere. 

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