Friday 56… and a note… in case I’m MIA…

First, in case I’m MIA for a few days on twitter, here at the blog…I have to have minor surgery today.  Normally, I don’t post these sort of things, but I’ve got a few people that I know will get antsy if I’m not around and instead of worrying about keeping up with email, the blog, twitter… I’d rather just post here. 

It’s nothing major, I promise.   And while I appreciate the thought, please don’t feel inclined to email me with get well wishes…I know that sounds awful, and I’m sorry.  But honestly and truly, I’d rather you didn’t email, because when people do that, I feel like I should respond, even when I’m told I don’t need to-I’m obsessive, what can I say?  And I do know the last thing I need to mess with is email, but if you could see what happens to a writer’s unattended email inbox, you’d understand-it’s easier to keep on top of it than let it get behind.  I know I’m going to fall a little behind, but pretty, pretty, pretty please take pity on me and don’t add get well wishes to it…the thought is enough, I promise and thanks for understanding.

Again, this isn’t anything major-just something I need to do, and hopefully I’ll be a lot less cranky after it’s done.  If I’m not hurting much, I’ll still be around as often as normal. However if I am hurting, I’ll probably not be online much until that passes.  Because when I’m cranky, I’m bitchy, and I try to stay away from people when I’m too bitchy.

Second… happy birthday to one of the most important people in my life.  He knows who he is.  🙂

And now… the Friday 56…it’s Veil of Shadows, the closest because I’ve got the reader ARC stashed here for mailing out.

And what do you intend to do when you find him? she asked herself silently.
Her belly clenched. “Is jumping him an option?” she mumbled.
“Jump who?”
Even the sound of his voice, low and smooth and deep, made her shiver. The icy knot inside dissolved, just like that. Just that easy. Just that simple. He hadn’t even touched her.
Just the sound of his voice thawed the ice.

About the Friday 56

  • Grab the book nearest you. Right now
  • Turn to page 56.
  • Find the fifth sentence.
  • Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of this blog.
  • Post a link along with your post back to this blog.
  • Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

5 Replies to “Friday 56… and a note… in case I’m MIA…”

  1. He nodded, but didn’t switch on the engine yet.

    Into The Crossfire – Lisa Marie Rice

  2. She drew another knife and pointed it at the wolf’s throat. Not that it would do good much good. Talia’s other knife was still protruding from the wolf’s neck.

    The Stepsister Scheme – Jim C. Hines

  3. Hey Shiloh, thanks for the heads up.

    My Friday 56 comes from Kristan Higgins’ All I Ever Wanted:

    Horny? “Um…he felt, well, he seemed to be a little, ah…blue?”

    Peace and love,
    Paula R.

  4. “Look, I know what you’re thinking,” he began.

    I just started reading: Dark Embers by Tessa Adams, and enjoying it; first time I’ve read anything so a new author for me.

  5. “instant, scathing reply. If one more person told her to “let him go” she was going to scream.”

    Watchers in the night – Jenna Black

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