Blade Song Cover Young Woman holding a blade - abstract image of a man in the back.

Blade Song…Releasing August 1

And I need to figure out my game plan promo wise.

If you would be at all interested in letting be guest blog or post an excerpt from Blade Song to your site, can you leave comment below?  Looking to set up a blog tour sort of thing and keep in mind, this is NOT romance, although yes…there is a romantic thread.  The book hopefully will appeal to UF/PNR readers alike.

Sooo…. *bats lashes*  can I attack your blog?

31 Replies to “Blade Song…Releasing August 1”

  1. I have been a fan since I read the first short story you posted about Kit on Tor. So of course you would be welcome to “attack” my blog. LOL What would you like better– interview, or interview with a snippet, maybe? Maybe you have something already prepared. I am pretty flexible.


  2. Speak to the lovely blog mistress Carolyn at book chick city. I’m sure she will welcome you warmly.

  3. Would be honored to have you on my blog, weekends and Mondays are free and so is most of July as scheduled lightly on purpose next month.
    Long time fan and reader of your work, UF/PNR is most of my blog following reading preference so Blade Song is a perfect fit for promo for them so “attack” away with my full cooperation!


    Jackie B Central Texas

  4. Shi, you are ALWAYS welcome to crash my blog…

    Just tell me when & I will get you on the calendar


  5. Hey lady… you’ve got a spot at my place any time you want it. Just let me know when is good for you, and I’ll make it work.

  6. My site isn’t a blog, but I’d be willing to put a promo for it on a new reviews/recommendations page. Or I can figure out if it will make a page a blog page and start one on it. If I read it I’d be willing to even put It on my homepage for a while at least. Hope I can help somehow. Take care!

  7. Guys, thanks for all the offers! I don’t think I can hit everybody, because my brain would dry up and die trying to think up individual guest blogs, but I’ll be emailing some people soon.

    If anybody does want to do like a Q&A thing, though, let me know because THOSE are EASY… 😀

  8. I would love to host you and/or a tour for Blade Song! I hope I’m not too late to put in a request. I am happy to do whatever format you would like. Thanks! Jen

  9. I’d love to have you over to my blog anytime for any book you like.
    Book crazy scrapbookmama

  10. You’re always welcome at TBV. I won’t be able to do a review but I’d love to have you over for a guest post or to share an excerpt. I do promo posts on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The only dates I don’t have available are 7/3 and 7/24.

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