Of Mischief & Magic

Tyriel, the half-breed daughter of an elvish prince and a Wildling lady, had heard it said that a union between an angel and an incubus would have been more likely than the love match between her parents.

Wildly independent, she had no use for days at court in the elvish kingdoms. Leaving that life behind, she made her living as a hired sword. As a mercenary, she fought with all the passion of the Wildling clans and the magic of her father’s people, the reclusive fae.

It was a carefree life…mostly. If the loneliness seemed to haunt her at times, she just hid it with a smile. 

That carefree existence changes when she meets Aryn of Olstead, a powerful, sinfully seductive swordsman. Without even trying, he catches her eye, then her heart and soul.

Aryn of Olstead was no stranger to the lonely life on the road. While he might be drawn to the half-fae merc with wicked eyes and a seductive laugh, he knows better than to let himself get too close.

Part Wildling, part elf, Tyriel is everything magical in the world. Aryn is only a hired sword.

Yet, the two bond and spend years working at each other’s side, until destructive secrets and hidden needs drove a wedge between them.

As a trust built through sweat, blood and battle slowly erodes, their partnership falls apart. Tyriel disappears without a trace.

When Aryn learns she’s in danger, nothing else matters but finding her. Rescuing her comes with a high price…one higher than he ever imagined. 

Warning: Story depicts violence and implied off-the-page sexual assault


A Kit Colbana World Short Story

This is a short story. It is only a short story.

Doyle. Human. Tiger. Aneiri. Alone.

Always on the outside, even in a clan. Now, as his dominance grows and threatens to spill out in a wave of violence, he might have to choose between staying with the only family he's ever known, striking out to lead a solitary life or spill blood of those loyal to the clan...and the few he calls family.

follows the events of Haunted Blade and Haunted Magic

Pre-order links coming soon.

Blade’s End

Blade’s End
It’s all coming to a bitter end

Kit and her lover, Damon, the Alpha of the Southern Cat Clans, are hot on the trail of Madae, an ancient entity that has haunted Kit’s people through the ages. Kit was supposed to be the next target, but she proved to be tougher than Madae expected.

As both an act of revenge and expediency, Madae went for the next nearest of kin…Kit’s cousin, Doyle.

Earth-shattering truths are revealed and secrets laid bare, including secrets that threaten the love between Kit and Damon, and their very lives.

They’re determined to find Madae and save Doyle.

But will those secrets drive them apart?

Will those secrets drive them mad?

And when they find themselves confronting not one ancient evil, but two, will Kit and Damon be strong enough to save Doyle?
Or will one of them pay the ultimate price?