New news…

Okay, so Hunter’s Choice is now free on…

Currently, it’s not free on Kobo or Sony.  Unfortunately, they are slower to work things through the system and this isn’t anything in my control.  Sorry, guys!  But you can always download the various software (Kindle/Nook) to read it on your computer or you can get the format you need from either ARe or Smashwords…PDFs work really on Sony readers and epub is what I think is best for the Kobo.  The FAQ page at Smashwords also explains how to get files on various readers.  🙂

ALSO… I had an interview at Paperback Dolls today… 🙂

Covers!  Did you see my covers in the last post?  No?  Well, you should…here’s one of them just to prove it.

Okay.  I’m newsed out. I don’t think I forgot any other blogs I’m supposed to be at.  Until Saturday. O.O

9 Replies to “New news…”

  1. I go through Kindles free books looking for something interesting to read. I had found Hunter’s Choice a couple of weeks ago, got it, read it, then went and bought the first 7 books of the series. If it wasn’t for Hunter’s Choice being free, I would have never known about the Hunter’s series. So thank you Amazon…LOL

  2. you know what really tickles me pink with Nicole and Lime enjoying book two? The hero is a lawyer. Nicole and Lime are lawyers. That they liked it must mean I didn’t totally tank it.

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