Saturday Snippets…The Departed…

Not sure when this will be out, guys… maybe late 2011.  If not, then 2012.  This is a follow-up to The Missing, featuring Taige’s friend, Dez & her boss, Taylor.

No doubt about it, she was gorgeous and when she smiled, she could make the hearts of the men around her race.

But right now, her smile was fucking freaky.

Under her feet, they suspected, were dozens of bones.  Unmarked graves.

The location of a serial killer’s little playground.  Or maybe his burial ground.

But she smiled.  It was a peaceful, beautiful smile—a Mona Lisa smile, and it didn’t belong in the place of death and decay, the tech thought.

Fucking freaky.

4 Replies to “Saturday Snippets…The Departed…”

  1. Loved The Missing. It’s been a while since I read it, but would love to read a sequel.

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