Saturday Snippets…

You all won’t have long to wait for this… and it’s going to be a surprise. Will post more when I have the details.

Tentative title:

A Stroke of Dumb Luck

My sword arm is mighty.

I will not falter.

I will not fail.

My sword arm is mighty.

I will not falter.

I will not fail.

My …ass is fucked.

I knew it, as sure as I knew my own name.  Kit ‘My Ass is Fucked’ Colbana.

There was no way I was getting out of this, and I knew it.  I hadn’t stood much of a chance anyway, but what in the hell was I supposed to do?  Just walk away?


“Stop,” I muttered.  Yeah, walking away might have been the smart thing.

4 Replies to “Saturday Snippets…”

  1. I hate you. I don’t really like first person but I want to read this. I really hate you not. LOL

  2. First time I have been intrigued and completely lost at the same time. I need more.

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