My first

Do you know what If You Hear Her is?

It’s my romantic suspense that I’m writing for Ballantine.

Now, I’m not going into a whole lot of detail-I suffer from massive paranoia about things, plus I’m superstitious.  I don’t talk about my ideas a whole lot until they are actually closer to being ready for reader consumption.

I’ve been holding this idea close to my chest ever for a while now-a few people know about it–PBW is one.  I emailed her to ask her advice.  Lora Leigh is another.

My agent knows…and bless her, she loved the idea from the first time she saw it.  My editor knows, and so far, she’s loving what she’s reading.

But not many people know much about the idea just yet, and until I get the blurb and stuff from Ballantine, eh…it’s going to stay that way.  Sorry.

I did want to share this, though.

If You Hear Her is the first book in my first ever trilogy. First. Ever. Trilogy. Gulp.

Sometime in 2011 (I think), it will be out.  All three books are being released in consecutive months.  I’m both terrified and excited as hell.

9 Replies to “My first”

  1. VERRRY excited about this news. I can’t wait especially since they will be released back to back. These will definitely be pre-orders for me!

  2. Cool! A guaranteed 3 more books released close together, not months apart. Perfect.

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