Oh, awesome post. Go. Read. NOW.

My name is Shiloh Walker.  I’m a nurse, I know more useless trivia than you can shake a stick at, I’m a ditz and oddly enough, I’m probably above average intelligence.  And ya know what?  I love romance.

I’m also happily married, I’ve got a great career, a great sex life and three great kids.  And ya know what?  I love romance.

I’m married to my high school sweetheart.  I’ve got three brothers and through them, I finally managed to get three sisters, and two of them actually love to read-so hey, more people to talk books to!  And guess what… I love romance.

I’m a brown belt in taekwondo and if I can ever get some issues with repetitive stress injuries under control, I’m going to try my damnedest to get my black belt.  I love taking pictures and sometimes, I even take pretty decent ones.  I love taking trips, I hate to clean my house, I’m not much of a cat person and guess what… I love romance.

Why am I telling you all of this?

Because I want you to know I don’t fit the so-called typical mold…  (by the way… what was the latest version of that typical mold again?)  Anyway, I’m not a bored, unhappy, dissatisfied housewife who spends her days reading romance and sighing over Fabio.  (Um, no thanks).

I read romance because I like the stories, I like characters, and yes… I enjoy reading the sex (when it’s written well-when it’s not, sometimes I skip to get back to the story)

Plain and simple, I love romance and there’s nothing wrong with that.  There’s some wicked smart women in the world who seem to enjoy romance as well-there’s not a damn thing wrong with it. Want to read a really good post by such a woman?  Here… go read.  It’s an awesome post.


I really liked this part.

Myth: Romance novels are just porn for women. I should start off by asking, if they are, what would be wrong with it? It’s really hard to come up with a coherent argument against “porn” featuring the aforementioned consensual, mutually pleasurable sex in which neither party is degraded or objectified. But once they’ve already been labeled as porn, why wouldn’t people just read porn if that was all they were after?

No, romance has not become a $1.37 billion business on the basis of people too embarrassed to admit that they want porn buying 400-page books for the 3-4 sex scenes within. See, they also contain characters and stories, and some people like those. In fact, and I realize this is going to sound as ridiculous as claiming to smoke a lot of pot without inhaling, I mostly skip the sex scenes. I read the books for the stories, and I doubt I’m unique in that.

Now go read the rest of it.