Robin Schone

I read this over at Dear Author yesterday.

According to the Romantic Times, Robin Schone suffered a major heart attack on Christmas Day and is currently recovering in the hospital. Currently she is unable to speak and it is unknown whether she is having that difficulty because of suffering a stroke or a larynx related injury. Robin Schone has a new release in March – Cry for Passion. This is pretty sad news. Schone was really a trailblazer of erotic romance. I hope her a good recovery if it can’t be speedy.

I checked with one of the editors who worked on the anthology I was in with Robin earlier this year to see if she’d heard anything new. All she could tell me was that Robin was recovering.    I’ve only corresponded with her via email when we were doing publicity for the book, but she seems to be a great lady.  She’s definitely one of the first authors to forge into erotic romance.

Here’s my hope and prayers for a recovery.  🙁