What's in a name…

A pen name, that is.

I know some people use a combination of names, like their maiden name paired with this name, or they use a name that’s basically their real name initialized, like LL Foster- Lori Foster.

Me, I use a pen name. Why? Well, privacy yeah for one. Yes, I’m big on it. 😉 For another, well, I dunno. Seeing my name on a book would just look weird. Besides, I like my pen name. I don’t recall exactly why I settled on Shiloh, although when I picking one out I remember seeing Cheyenne McCray’s and thinking Cheyenne…I kind of like that. When I saw Shiloh, I thought….hmmmmm….

At the time, I don’t think I’d seen any other Shilohs around. Brad and Angelina hadn’t had their baby yet. 😉 And I wanted a name that was a little unique. I liked Walker– it’s Scottish and being a mongrel, I’ve got Scottish ancestors, as well as German, English, Cherokee and Irish. I put the two together, liked how they sounded and viola. Shiloh Walker was born.

It can be very interesting, having two names. I answer to my made-up name as easily as my own any more. I wonder if other authors do the same.