Interesting people-Joy

Like Sarah, Joy (of Joyfully Reviewed) isn’t as terrifying as I thought she’d be. For all her talk of tackling authors, she was very controlled. *G* Although that might have been for me.

She told me later on that she approached me very cautiously and kept quiet until I noticed her–man, I think I need a sign. Approach the author slowly-she’s unstable. 😉

Anyway, I’m sitting, I’m signing, I’m talking, then I look up and see this pretty lady, vaguely familiar, sitting across from me with this smile on her face. Not a stranger smile, either, you know that polite smile you give people you don’t know. No, this was a smile, I know something you don’t know.

Then I look at her name tag.


Ding. Ding.


I blink.

She starts laughing. “I only been sitting here for five minutes now!”

Joy, of Joyfully Reviewed and mischievous bunnies, is another person I’ve known online for years, but never got to meet. She’s also one of those people that I go to these conferences for, to meet and chat with. It’s a wonderful thing, connected faces to names and getting to meet somebody who’s been supporting your career from day one.

But if she starts telling people rumors that I am nice, cover your ears and take it with a grain of salt. I much prefer to be known for being mean…*G* that way, it takes people by surprise when I am nice….