Dear Mr/Mrs Spammer

Dear Mr/Mrs Spammer.

Now I realize this it is BOTs doing this crap and that it’s unlikely you’ll ever read the following rant.

But it makes me feel better to do it.

WordPress has a wonder spam feature.  Really it does.  It lets me hold anything with more than one link.  I have it set so that anything with more than two links is automatically spammed.  The other stuff, I moderate.

And I assure you.  I’m not a fool.  When I see this post:

Wow.  Your guest books is very good.  Many thanks

I know this is spam.  Even the ones that only come with 1 or 2 links, even the one link with your website on it.  Naturally, the ones with FIFTY links, any idiot can see this is spam. 

But when all you comment is wow, your guest book…. sweetie.  This isn’t a guestbook.  It’s a blog.  Big difference.  When you comment, I have saved you in my favorites and will be back, I know this is also spam.

Posts like yours are a pain in the tail, but fortunately, wordpress blocks these and the only time I have to see them is when I go empty out all the spam. Will it matter to you if I tell you that you’re wasting your time?  Most blogs have spam filters and the vast majority of these stupid posts are never seen in the light of day.  No.  It probably won’t matter.

But, man…what I wouldn’t give to be able to access your email box and hit with …oh, say 2000 pieces of junk mail a day for the next month.  Junk mail that your spam filter couldn’t catch.

Go away and leave my blog alone.

Okay!  I feel better now.